xyberMEDiA.com newmedia design—can fulfill your Internet
needs in a unique and creative way so that your
image is conveyed as well as your message. Expertise is available
for voice-overs, streaming media, both audio and video, Flash animation, Web pages and Web sites, graphic design and illustration,
and image preparation including photography and photocomposition
xyberMEDiA.com is a digital media design and development company
with over 25 years computer and communications
industry experience with Website design expertise dating
from the very beginnings of the WWW.
From hi-tech to hi-touch, from standup presentations to Web centric
applications, from overview to in-depth technical delivery of
information xyberMEDiA has the experience.
xyberMEDiA.com can provide
professional voice-overs (Thom Wilkins - Voice Over), audio editing and video conversions to media streams
for Internet
delivery as well as Flash development, animated graphics for
banners, buttons, and create other Web elements unique to your
When you need a custom look, when you need solid edge development,
when you need creative and quality digital design you need the
experience of xyberMEDiA.com digital design. Let xyberMEDiA.com
be your online graphic and Website design department!
Web and graphic designer |

Illustrations: Philco TVs, c 50s